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5月31日 (31st of May) 
Our family of six people, departed from the city of two hundred over kilometers away from the mountain, came registered as mountain climbers for the climbing tomorrow. We  are the first group of people to register for climbing tomorrow.
6月1日 (1st of June)
終於,我們兩人在傍晚五點左右到達了海拔3273米的Laban Rata。在這裏我們補充體力,稍作休息,好預備在淩晨攻頂。
My brother and I both began at Mesilau trail,  started at nine in the morning, and I met a young mountain guide Simon, he is about 20 years old.
While I was climbing, I gave my endless praise to The Lord:" your creation is so wonderful, the mountains all over are full of  your glory! Each peak are precisely-designed by you, the flowers and trees at the ground are decorated with your Glory! The sweet taste of the mountain water are like stream of living water as Jesus said, we drink it and never thirst. When I was tired, my mind could not stop from praying, praising the Lord! Let him give me the strength to complete this very strenuous hiking trip.
Finally, the two of us reached Laban Rata at an altitude of 3273 meter around five o'clock. Here we took a break, had some rest and did a good preparation for the next stage - Climb up the summit! 
6月2日 (2nd of June) 
在一夜未眠的狀態下,我帶著疲倦的身軀去攻頂了。淩晨2:30我們從宿舍出發,攀過了許多的樓梯和懸崖後,我們在5:22分到達了其中一個山峰,叫Low's Peak。一路上,我還是不住地讚美主,讚美祂的創造,感謝祂的預備。因為天氣實在是好得不得了,我一點都沒有覺得寒冷。圓圓的月亮更省去了照明燈的作用。這是我第三次爬上這座東南亞最高的山峰,但沒有一次比這一次順利和容易。不是因為我有充足的預備和訓練,乃是靠著主的恩典。
我兩次的登山經驗告訴我,我不能慢慢地走那下山的路。於是我用盡了我全身的力,手腳並用撐到了神山的出入口,Timpohon Gate。我和哥哥是最後一個到達出口的。
However, In the state of undergone a sleepless night, I took my weary body to climb up the mountain. Started  2:30 am we depart from the hostel, climbed over a lot of stairs and cliffs, we reached one of the peaks in 5:22 minutes, called Low's Peak. Along the way, I still could not helpmyself to praise the Lord, praise His creation, thanks to His preparation. Because the weather was really very, very good, I did not feel cold at all. The round moon is more eliminating the effect of lights. This is my third time to climb the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, but not once a smooth and easier than this. Not because I have plenty of preparation and training, but because the God's grace who made all these. 
After we snapped some perfect photo on the top, we began a journey down from the mountain. As the guide Simon said, the real difficulty did not come from climbing to the top, but at the very next day, nine kilometers from the summit to the foot. Strength has been consumed so much during the time we climbed up the mount and under the circumstances that we already had a sore legs and stiff muscles. To descend in that way, full of stones, steep mountain road,  I believed not an ordinary person can endure it! Then the guide really played a big role, Simon saw that we about to burn out, he took my hand, step by step we went down the mountain.
my twice mountaineering experiences tells me that I can not walk slowly down the trail. So I used all of my body strength, both hands and feet to come to the mountain's entrance, Timpohon Gate. My brother and I are the last to arrive.
6月3-4日 (3rd &4th of June) 
We had an enjoyable journey at the nearest city, for two day and one night. we also have visited my grandmother. Day 4, we started our journey to go home. 
This journey is full of joy and color. However, in the fifth day everything has turned to  black and white!
6月5日 (5th of June) 
7:00 am, and telephone messages sounded from time to time, when I wake up from sleep. While I was still sleeping, the Earth opened its mouth!


2Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 : "9But he said to me, "My graceis sufficient for you, for my power is madeperfect in weakness." Therefore I will boastall the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 
"This verse is greatly fulfilled in our family after the quake
Jesus, how Great is your grace, you know my weakness, you know I can not get through the damage caused by the earthquake. You made our family as Luke chapter 21 : 18, "he said: But not a hair of your head will perish".We managed to escape from the earthquake, you let our family safely reached the home. Offering my endless thanks and praise, what else can I do?
Lord Jesus, I know that you have prepared a guide Simon to us, it is not coincident. After the earthquake, from the pictures, I saw how he tried to do the rescue work. As 1Timothy 4: 12 say: "Don't let
anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. "Simon had an agape love not because of his age, but because he has a heart to save. That is what the Lord Jesus you  have done for us on the cross.
Lord Jesus, you have protected our family from the earth quake. I hope you will protect the family which are deeply hurt by the earth quake. May the soul of the dead rest in peace. May the Peace of Lord Jesus be with you the people affected by the earth quake. Even though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil, for you are with them; your rod and your staff, You comfort them. Amen! 
(translated by Google) 

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